Weipa Watchdog is a tongue-in-cheek blog that seeks to entertain and occasionally report.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Park Life

Okay, here's a change of tack ...

Was Rio (WTA) responsible for the grassing of the New Nanum kids playgrounds?

If so, what a stupendous job. The park is an absolute corker. Wheelie bins, well-watered grass, lots of kids having fun. A first class job.

On the down side (there's always a friggin' down-side on this site isn't there?!) ... anyway, on the down-side, whoever was responsible for leaving the park as a two-acre gravel pit for the previous two years should bend over the nearest slippery slide and allow every single parent and kid in New Nanum to shove a boot up their arse. That may go some way to apologising for the sheer lack of care for the local kids.

Aside from that ... good job!

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