Weipa Watchdog is a tongue-in-cheek blog that seeks to entertain and occasionally report.
Got a gripe? You can comment anonymously below each post or email us:
weipawatchdog@yahoo.com.au or write a "Dear Watch Dog" letter and we'll post it on the site.

Also an anonymous FEEDBACK BOX can be found at the bottom of this page.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Feedback from the Box

Some feedback in reference to my previous post where I was rabbiting on about spirit and Rio and whatever... Just the usual mixed bag of dumb shit that you've come to expect from this blog.

Couldn't have put it better myself. At the rate this lovely planet is being demolished you would think we had a spare one on standby ready for us to evacuate to when we've finished missing this one up.

Life is short. This planet is a wonderful place and you only have one chance to be here. So why would you choose to spend your one life here wrecking the place to accumulate things that you can't take with you.

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