Weipa Watchdog is a tongue-in-cheek blog that seeks to entertain and occasionally report.
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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hibernation Hello

They say you should always let sleeping dogs lie.

But winter is drawing to a close and Top Dog has been in hibernation for far too long.

Apparently I've missed a few fun and games whilst slumbering. Word is that there's been a few dog fights around town and guess what? I've not been involved in any of them ... no murmurings, no growls, no nothing. I've been a good dog.

Anyway, it seems the dust has settled - so they say - and it's time to come out and play again.

Only this time I'm gonna be running with a growing pack of mongrels. We've been chewing on some bones under an old CYPRESS tree. So stay tuned.

Things could get interesting ... but they probably won't.

Top Dog

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