Weipa Watchdog is a tongue-in-cheek blog that seeks to entertain and occasionally report.
Got a gripe? You can comment anonymously below each post or email us:
weipawatchdog@yahoo.com.au or write a "Dear Watch Dog" letter and we'll post it on the site.

Also an anonymous FEEDBACK BOX can be found at the bottom of this page.


Friday, August 22, 2008


April feedback continued in relation to this old post that I put up:

To the writer of the post: My apologies for not publishing it. You may have to rewrite it and try to be a little more general, otherwise the Watchdog will be dragging its backside through a defamation case.

Sure we slander RIO, Woolies and the Town Orifice, but they're faceless corporate monsters or heroes, depending on who you talk to. We don't name names. Not because we don't want to, but because we're gutless pricks ... especially when people are chasing us for money!

Anyway, the gist of the feedback that we received was in relation to sub-standard work on vehicle repairs. There was also some mention of misleading advertising and a reference to aspects of the business in question being Australian owned - but more so - Australian operated.

Apart from that, well, it's like that lovable German guard, Shultz, used to say on Hogan's Heroes:

"I know nuzzing..."

Reader responce:

You have given enough information in the info below for me to know which mechanical business you refer to. One that I work for. And yes you are right - very close to defamation. We are 100% Australian owned and yes we do encourage multiculturalism including indigenous employees. If someone has a problem with work performed, it would be advantageous for them to go back to the business for help. What benefit will they receive for bagging the business on some website? Very dissapointed in this - but not surprised.

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