I missed the entertainment that was on show the other night at St Luke's Church.
Apparently it was an interesting gig. Plenty of high drama, some good acting by the cast on stage and a few hecklers in the crowd.
Boy, did I pick the wrong night to stay at home and paint my nails ... don't get any wrong ideas, I paint them with glow in the dark nail polish - that way I can see my feet during the night when I traipse through the newly-laid dust on the floor between the bedroom and bathroom!

Anyway, the whole town was talking about the performances down at St. Luke's. I'm guessing the lead actors were probably not expecting such a sell-out crowd. And yet, I'm thinking the crowd was probably expecting some sell-out Rio superstars.
Harsh words?
Probably. It does seem like I'm making a personal attack, doesn't it?
That's because I live in New Nanum... and before any of you fuckers go on about "if you don't like it, leave" ... let me say this ... Pull your fucking head in.

I'll also let you in on a little secret ... it's called community consultation. Rio only seemed to come out with their tailings dam info when Watchdog got wind of it months ago (Feb).
Next minute we got double-page ads in the paper, a few meetings and a few posters on the notice board.
What we didn't get was PRIOR consultation, ie before planning.
I wonder if anyone in RIO ever thought for a minute about the poor pricks living right across the road from the dam?
Did anyone cite potential dramas with Night-time noise for those residents and their kids, let alone the dust.
Did anyone think twice about maybe starting the project at a time in the year when wind didn't blow the friggin dust all over Nanum?
Did anyone think how often dog owners will have to wash their dogs?!
Or maybe they did. Who knows.
All I know is that in three years time the EPA brings RIO into line with the new guidelines - currently the all-powerful Comalco Act wins out.
Is this dam being re-walled to beat the new standards? If so, it's a low act - a crap stunt to pull on residents without consultation.
RIO's company literature states that many measures are taken with regards to community consultation. In fact Rio prides itself on this very same detail ... they're even signatories on a standard called ENDURING VALUES, which is the Australian Minerals Industry Council's 'Best Practice Community Engagement Program'.
Did any management or key decision-makers actually read this when it was passed around the office?
Can anyone in the office actually read? Or did they not cover English Language in your university degree?!
End of rant...
I gotta go mop the fucking floor ...
1 comment:
Watchdog- interesting points made on the new tailings dam. I lived in Weipa many years ago and came across your site from mention by a friend.
I can certainly see your point and those of the other people living in the Nanum area.
We didn't live anywhere near that area but still had to deal with the constant barrage of dust. You would clean the house and walk away only to literally see the dust forming again. My concern was the effect is would have on us breathing it in all the time.
The town certainly seems to be owned and run by the big companies regardless of what is portraid in the media.
All I can say is that I am glad I don't live there anymore. Great place but not for me.
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