Weipa Watchdog is a tongue-in-cheek blog that seeks to entertain and occasionally report.
Got a gripe? You can comment anonymously below each post or email us:
weipawatchdog@yahoo.com.au or write a "Dear Watch Dog" letter and we'll post it on the site.

Also an anonymous FEEDBACK BOX can be found at the bottom of this page.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Fueled Up

Someone once told me Weipa was the first port of call in Australia for fuel ships.

If this is right then something must seriously be amiss in this joint when it comes to petrol pricing.

Take a look at the discrepancy in fuel prices between Weipa and Brisbane today:

Brisbane -135.9
Weipa - 151.9
(16cents more up here)

Brisbane - 118.9
Weipa - 150.9

(32 cents more!!)

What the hell is going on here?

Every man and his dog owns a 4WD around town, which - as you no doubt know yourself - equates to large fill-ups at the pump, meaning large bills. Thankfully there's two service stations in town to give us some competition ... unfortunately they're both owned by the same mob ... and no, it's not owned by BP, they're just the suppliers.

If you want some explanation to why this is happening, please make a comment under this post and we'll fire them off to our state and federal members to get some answers.

Or if you want to write a nasty letter to them yourself - their contact details are below. Feel free to call them too, they love hearing from their constituents.
State Government:
Jason O'Brien,
PO Box 2080, CAIRNS QLD 4870;
Email: cook@parliament.qld.gov.au;
Ph: (07) 4051 3849 or 1800 816 264; Fax : (07) 4031 2437

Commonwealth Government:
Mr Jim Turnour MP,
PO Box 6022, House of Representatives,
Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600;
Email: Jim.TurnourMP@aph.gov.au;
Ph: (02) 6277 2255; Fax: (02) 6277 8493

Senator the Hon. Jan McLucas,
PO Box 2733, Cairns Qld 4870;
Email: senator.mclucas@aph.gov.au;
Ph: (07) 4031 6009; Fax: (07) 4031 6167; Toll Free: 1300 301 959

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really do enjoy hearing from my constituents so please email me about this issue or anything else.

FYI the state government still subsidises fuel by 8 cents per litre and has recently made some steps to ensure this is being passed on to motorists.

In other good news, new federal member for Leichhardt, Jim Turnour, is already speaking out to ensure fuel is on the agenda with a revitalised Australian Consumer Commission and its price enquiry.

We are both trying to be in and around Weipa on March 4 and 5th if anyone wants to catch up. We're trying to get to the Chamber of Commerce meeting on the 4th and will confirm shortly. I have been asked to speak on net fishing in Albatros Bay and will report now that, despite trying, I am having little headway with the Minister.

Congratulations to whoever is pulling this site together. I hope that it is successful and people in Weipa use it to discuss political issues and to keep the politician bastards like me honest.