Weipa Watchdog is a tongue-in-cheek blog that seeks to entertain and occasionally report.
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Winter Woolies

If there's one thing that sends winter-like chills down resident's spines it has to be shopping in the metropolis of Weipa.

It's brilliant getting the 'everyday low prices' that are on offer, but we wonder if it's a little too much to ask for proper 'fresh food' people?

Sure, we're aware that the nosh comes by a weekly barge pulled by blind dugongs, so it's never going to be 'FRESH' fresh. But do the avocados have to be that crap, or the pineapples that green, yet mushy inside?

Maybe I should complain?

Apparently the Weipa branch of this store is under certain directives ... "make more money" is possibly high on that list.

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